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What is Wrinkle? 皱纹是什么?

What is Wrinkle? 皱纹是什么? Pronunciation: /ˈrɪŋ.kəl/ 发音: /ˈrɪŋ.kəl/ Meaning: A wrinkle is a small line or fold in something, like skin or paper. 意思:皱纹是指在某物上(如皮肤或纸张)的小线条或褶皱。 Sentence: When I smile, I see…

What is Cat? 猫是什么?

What is Cat? 猫是什么? Cat (pronunciation: /kæt/): A cat is a small, furry animal that many people keep as a pet. They like to purr and play. 猫(发音:/kæt/):猫是一种毛茸茸的小动物,很多人都把它当宠物养。它们喜欢打呼噜和玩耍。 Sentence: "Look…

What is Cat?

Cat (pronunciation: /kæt/): A cat is a small, furry animal that many people keep as a pet. They like to purr and play. Sentence: "Look at the cat sitting by…

What is accordion? 什么是手风琴?

What is accordion? 什么是手风琴? Pronunciation: /əˈkɔː.di.ən/ 发音:/əˈkɔː.di.ən/ Meaning: An accordion is a musical instrument made of a long, folded body with keys and buttons. When you pull it apart and…

What is accordion?

Pronunciation: /əˈkɔː.di.ən/ Meaning: An accordion is a musical instrument made of a long, folded body with keys and buttons. When you pull it apart and push it together, it makes…