Category: English

What is “size comparison” ?

Alright, let's learn about "size comparison"! Pronunciation: /saɪz kəmˈpærɪsən/ Meaning: Size comparison is when we look at two or more things and see which one is bigger, smaller, or if…

What is “Bomb Explosions”?

"Bomb Explosions" – Pronunciation: /bɒm ɪkˈspləʊʒənz/ Meaning: "Bomb explosions" happen when bombs, which are very dangerous tools, go "boom" and can break things around them. It's very loud and can…

How to say [] in english?

These are called "square brackets" in English. Here are the British Phonetic symbols for the words: Square brackets: /skweə ˈbrækɪts/ Contextual Example: Scenario: Discussing how to include optional information in…