"Battle Royale" – Pronunciation: /ˈbatl rɔɪˈal/
"大逃杀" - 读音:/ˈbatl rɔɪˈal/
Meaning: "Battle Royale" is a type of game where lots of people or characters try to be the last one left by not getting caught or out. It's like playing a big game of tag where everyone wants to be the last one standing.
意思是 "大逃杀":"大逃杀 "是一种游戏,许多人或角色都想通过不被抓到或不被淘汰而成为最后一个。这就像在玩一个大型的捉人游戏,每个人都想成为最后一个。
Sentence: In the game, everyone had fun playing battle royale, trying to hide and run to be the winner.